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ISO/TS 29001

ISO 29001:2010:

International standard ISO/TS 29001 is intended to ensure high level development and operation of quality management systems for organizations whose activities are related to oil and gas industry, including product and service suppliers for petroleum, petrochemical and gas companies. Implementation of a quality management system in accordance with ISO 29001 and appropriate certification ensure demonstration of availability of an effective tool for guaranteed high quality products and services provision to all interested parties (clients, partners, investors, public organizations etc.)

The standard is a product of joint work of the International Standardization Organization, ISO, and American Petroleum Institute, AP.

ISO 29001 is based on the generic standard of quality management systems ISO 9001 and added with the requirements which consider specific nature of oil and gas industry.  The standard is highly compatible with such popular ISO standards as ISO 140001 for environmental management systems and OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety management systems.

Benefits from implementation and certification

  • Adherence to the world practice of oil and gas sector organizations.
  • Improvement of organization’s competitiveness at national and international level.
  • Confirmed quality of products, services and professionalism of a company.
  • Improved image of an organization.
  • Demonstration of a company’s advantages to partners, investors, customers.
  • Possibility to participate in state, municipal, commercial tenders and bidding under more profitable conditions.
  • Receipt of orders from foreign companies.
  • Additional positive reason for banks and insurance companies in determining amounts and conditions of loaning and insurance.
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