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ISO 20000

ISO 20000:2018:

Due to the development of IT technologies use, many organizations started focusing on service rendering quality. Availability of IT-services management system in compliance with ISO 20000-1:2018 will help organization determine main directions for rendering quality services taking into account stakeholders.

Service management system (SMS, ITSMS) – management system used for determination of service direction and control of service provider activities in respect of service management.

ISO 20000 standard sets requirements for organization rendering any kind of IT-services, regardless of its size, area of activity and geographical location. It is worth noting that this standard can be recommended for high-technology organizations – system integrators, banks, insurance companies, Internet providers, software developers, etc.

Benefits from implementation and certification

  • Enhancement of customer, partner and other stakeholders’ trust.
  • Receiving international recognition and promotion of company’s image on internal and external market.
  • Increase of efficiency and reliability of IT-services provision.
  • Mitigation of risks, effects and damage, caused by IT and IS incidents.
  • Reduction of costs for promotion and regular development of information technologies in general.
  • Broadening company’s options for participation in government contracts.
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