Scope |
Tye Of Activity: Chemical Testing
Type Of Materials/Products: Petroleum Products
Test Name & Test Method:
1. Determination of ASTM Color Of Petroleum Products. (ASTM D1500)
2. Determination of Base Number by Potentiometric Perchloric Acid Titration. (ASTM D2896)
3. Determination of Density, Relative Density, API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum
Products by Hydrometer Method. (ASTM 1298)
4. Determination of Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils and Base Stocks Between –10°C and –35°C
Using Cold-Cranking Simulator. (ASTM 5293)
5. Determination of Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C and 100°C. (ASTM D445
6. Determination of Pour Point of Petroleum Products. (ASTM D97)
7. Determination of Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils. (ASTM 892)
8. Determination of Flash Point Using (ASTM D92)
9. Determination of Sulphate Ash Using. (ASTM D874)
10. Determination of Viscosity Index. (ASTM D2270)
11. Determination of Copper Corrosion. (ASTM D130/18a)
12 Determination of Specific Gravity. (ASTM D4052/18a)
13. Determination of Total Acid Number. (ASTM 664)
14. Determination of Water Content. (ASTM D95/13el)
15. Determination of Brookfield Viscosity @-40°C. (ASTM D2983)
16. Determination of Spindle Speed. (ASTM D2983)
17. Determination of Potential of Hydrogen. (ASTM D1287)
18. Determination of Equilibrium Reflex Boiling Point (ERBP). (ASTM D1120)
19. Determination of Wet Equilibrium Reflex Boiling Point (WERBP). (ASTM D1120)
20. Determination of Dropping Point. (ASTM D566)
Tye Of Activity: Petroleum Chemistry
Type Of Materials/Products: Engine Oil Lubricants
Test Name & Test Method:
1. Standard Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products. (ASTM D482)
2. Standard Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petroleum Products by Copper Strip
Test. (ASTM D130)
3. Standard Test Method for Insolubles in Used Lubricating Oils (pentane and toluene)(ASTM D893)
4. Standard Test Method for Multielement Determination of Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and
Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry. (Tid, Cadmium, Silver,
Titanium, Vanadium, Zinc, Sodium Potassium, Magnesium Manganese, Barium and Calcium).
(ASTM 5185)
5. Standard Test Method for Multielement Determination of Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry. (Molybdenum, Boron,
Barium, Calcium). (ASTM D5185)
6. Standard Test Method for Water Separability @54°C. (ASTM D1401/19)
7. Standard Test Method for Air Release. (ASTM D3427/19)
8. Standard Test Method for Rust Prevention. (ASTM D665/19)
9. Standard Test Method for Work Penetration 25°C. (ASTM D217)
10. Standard Test Method for Water Wash Out. (ASTM D1264)
11. Standard Test Method for 4-Ball Weld Load,Kg. (ASTM D2596)
12. Standard Test Method for Oil Seperation, Mass% . (ASTM D1742) |